
Something that I feel very strongly about is being healthy. I do not understand when people are unhealthy, overweight and out of shape. When I sit around for more than 1 day, I feel gross and disgusting and quite honestly like a slob. Now don't get me wrong, I understand when someone has a condition or medical reason why they cannot exercise, but if there is no reason why you can't then why not? There have been so many studies that show when you take care of yourself by doing things like eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising, you tend to do better in athletics, academics, and really anything that you enjoy doing. You can get more out of life because you are able to focus on what you are doing. Now, I'm not saying that you can't eat sugar or don't deserve a day of doing nothing, but these need to be in moderation. I have a huge sweet tooth, and have the hardest time keeping myself under control, but somehow I do it. In order to keep myself healthy, I will eat a really healthy dinner, packed full of fruits, vitamins, protein, and then allow myself one cookie. Or after a day where I do an extremely long or intense workout, then I'll make myself an ice cream sundae. People have to learn to do everything in moderation and for exercising, to learn to stick with it. That is another thing it helps, your self-control, self-discipline, and initiative. People have to be willing to start, and be able to get themselves to start. If you have to hire a dietitian, or a trainer because you couldn't possibly go for a run on your own, so be it. Just get out there. There is no excuse. And because I could talk about t this until this page runs out, which is probably never, I am going to state one last peeve of mine and be done with it. I absolutely hate it when parents give their children no choice but to become unhealthy. They themselves don't exercise. They don't cook healthy meals. They take their family out to fast food every night. They buy a bunch of snack unhealthy food to leave lying around the house. They don't encourage going outside or outdoor activities. THEY ARE DOOMING THEIR CHILDREN. This upsets me because this kid hasn't know anything else and most of the time doesn't even know the first thing about living healthy and may never find out. That is something that irks me. And just as a disclaimer, notice in this post I say healthy, not skinny, healthy. It doesn't matter to me if someone is big-boned or that is just their body type to be sturdier. As long as they are HEALTHY! Seriously people, and trust me when I say this, your whole life improves when you are healthy and fit.