My Great Day
Today I had a great day. I woke up with a full 10 hours of sleep under my belt, which hasn't happened in a while. Then I came into school first hour and Megan and I did the egg drop in Physics. We successfully got on our second wall of the year! We tied for second place on the egg drop, under Hannah Williams and tied to Andrew Wieting and Jimmy Clark. That made my day to start out with. I went through the rest of my day, and collected zero homework. Then Megan, Julie, and I made the band senior night posters and were very productive. I then went to my basketball game against Christian Life and we killed, not to mention I scored 4 points! (Never happens). I then came home and had a brownie and chocolate syrup ice cream thing. It was great. Now I figured I would write this blog about my great day. Really great day.
We did awesome at the egg drop!! (: