Letter to Miss Wolff
Some advice that I would give to you would be to have fun with teaching English, because if you love English and show it, kids will be more likely to catch on that enthusiasm and enjoy it too. One thing we did this year that made the class interesting was being able to watch the movies such as The Help to get the feeling for the time of our book and help us understand different characters mind sets as we read. (Maybe finish the movies as well).
As far as the research paper goes, definitely do it first semester! It is a big relief when we are finished and don't have to worry about it anymore.
Another thing that our past teacher did was reviewing for the ACT. We have not reviewed much of what is on the ACT in years because Sophomore year is mostly papers, not grammar.
One final piece of advice is to make sure you know how to tell time in the Lutheran way, or Lutheran time. We say things like, "We get out at the 3," instead of "We get out at 12:15." Regardless of whether or not it is easier, most everyone ends up using it, so I would make an effort to join. It will give you a better connection to the kids.
Good luck next year!
I like how you wrote about how we tell time. Great tip! (: